Success stories PEF
The Elea GmbH is a spin-off of the DIL German Institute of Food Technologies and the leading supplier of Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) Systems for the food and beverage industry and academia. The company has developed and installed over 175 Elea PEF systems worldwide.
The PEF Advantage B 1 is a compact, industrial scale system for the treatment of vegetables and tubers and is excellently suited for the integration into existing process lines in small and medium-sized enterprises. Its development is the result of the cooperation between Elea, the specialist in PEF applications, and DIL Engineering which developed the PEF system with a focus on a compact, versatile design.
The joint development has led to a PEF system that allows huge energy and water savings, reduced product losses and higher yields as well as other advantages such as faster blanching, drying or freezing and the potential to develop new cuts and textures.
To date, 35 PEF Advantage B 1 have been installed worldwide.
“The close collaboration between DIL and Elea has allowed us to create a unique, compact and easy-to-install PEF system, suitable for processing up to 9 t/h of raw materials ”, says Stefan Töpfl, Managing Director at Elea.